Eid Greetings for the Eid ul-Adha (Eid e Qurban)

Salams to all my Muslim brothers and sisters around the world.

I would like to extend out greetings and wishes for a more peaceful and successfu and above all FREE year ahead where we strive towards our own humanity by recognizing our own major idol within our own nafs.  Inshallah we will all be stong enough to offer our own Ismaels towards Allah (swt) in replacement for the greater blessings that Allah is waiting to offer back as a result.

O God, I make Thee my quest
and bear witness to Thy Lordship,
acknowledging that Thou art my Lord
and to Thee is my return.

(Dua Arafat-Imam Hussain (as))

Freedom comes from releasing the shackles of our own idols within us that ground us to the lower, physical, inferior dunya.  How much do we need of this world and what real treasures are we giving up as a result of padding our nafs with those things that prevent us from entering higher realms of the journey.

If nothing else during these days of spiritual freedom, can we at least recognize our idols and our obstacles?

It may be a good time to contemplate on all the blessings in each and everyone of our abundant lives.  I recognize at this point all our brothers and sisters in Pakistan, Syria and Palestine, in Afghanistan and in Turkey and also Muslims and Shias all over the world who are not able to express themselves as Muslims or Shias without great difficulties being placed upon them.

As we have read in this week's Risalatul Huqquq by Imam Zainul Abideen (as), there are levels of oppression beginning with our own oppression towards the rights of Allah upon us which extends outward into the far reaching aspects of the human community, nature and animals.

Can we hope for the greater oppression upon the Muslims today to be erradicated if we have not erradicated the oppression in our own lives.  We are all responsible or our Holy Imam (mahhr) would be out of occultation.  Which is the level we are personally stuck at and what can we do to free us at that level in which we dwell.

Lets pray together that Allah give us the knowledge to recognize our own personal oppressions towards Allah, the Imams (as), our deeds, limbs, relationships and those whom we only oppress as a result of our own lack of knowledge and understanding.

Attaching ourselves to Allah, and then the Imams (as) will ensure that step by step Allah and our Holy Imam in Ghaib will guide us out of our personal darknesses and rise up out of the sins we are commiting unknowingly.

Ziarat e Ashura is a Hadith e Qudsi that is said to be a program to lift us our oppressive thoughts, attitudes and behaviors so that we can finally rise high enough where we will hear the call of the Imam who will bring peace to those working towards human freedom.

All the converts out there who are alone, we extend our greetings, thoughts and prayers out to you all and hope that you will find peace in your families.  May Allah give you strength in your present courage.

All my sisters in the Toronto Jamaat and all the converts that were so close to me in Toronto I wish you all a very successful and free year ahead, all my friends and family in England,  and all my brothers, sisters and honored Ruhani brothers whom I have had the honor of learning from through our work, and their families (you all know who you are)  here in Qom in the TV, Radio and the International University too who really work amazingly unselfishly, kindly and courageously against all obstacles towards the propagation of Islam and finally to all the crew of Ahle Bayt TV.  We love your programs here in Qom (back when we could watch them)

Our prayers are with you all - Please remember us in your prayers.

Eid Mubarak

Your Sister Nasreen
