Islam and Healing: The Prophets and the Chakras and the significance of the Imams (as) in view of progress

Alhamdulillah and salams,

Any of you who were following my posts on the chakras and healing from the point of view of Islam will have noticed that there was a point were I reached a block.  There's no point in hiding it because it does not help.  So I bring it up here.  I went back and connected to the Quran, the Imams (as) with Ziarats and ofcourse the Nahjul Balagha and finally the answer came through.  Actually, I was a little annoyed that I had not thought of it at the right time but then we do not decide the time of understanding do we.

The human evolution began at the time of Adam, there were five major prophets (as) and these brought   the most significant openings for the next level of awareness.  Now, in order to understand where the prayers, the fasts etc fall in our chakra levels we should go back to learn what each of these 5 prophets tought.  Ofcourse we know generally but analytically requires retracing the steps.

So that is what I will be doing on this blog Inshallah in order to reach number 10 and from there it is clear that the Imams (as) are the opening centers from 11 through to 22.  (This is my understanding at this point).

In order to have our energy centers fully opened and spinning and fine tuned ofcourse so that our channels are completely clear to recieve communication with Allah and the Imams and finally to hear the Call of the 12th Imam, Imam Mahdi (mahhr) we should understand which pillars are responsible for each chakra and that will bring us optimum physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and progress

Here again we see evidence that in order to make progress and go forward, we must continuously go back to the beginning and join the dots so to speak - we cannot know where we are heading unless we know where we have come from.  Islam teaches us always to go back to the origin when studying anything, back to the truth, to the Creator to understand how we got to the now, so it is no mystery that we must go back to Adam (as) to understand how to understand the process of healing and spiritual evolution.

Those are my thoughts for now.  I have much writing to do for my livelihood this week but I will post as time allows.

May Allah be with you all.

