Our Qa'im (mahhr):The time of the reappearace: Cause for caution and re-evaluation, how can we arm ourselves with certainty?
These hadiths tell me that we have no reason to relax and feel like we are certain to be one of those on the side of our Qa'im (mahhr), but as always in Islam, we are given not only hope because Imam Ali (as) says that "Hope is the mainstay of fools" but also we are given weapons and armor to use today to protect ourselves from doubts that may arise at the time of his eminence's reappearance. Let's look over the hadith and then consider our armor against Shaitan.
H’arb (War) with opponents
The difference between battle and Jihad is that Jihad is against disbelievers, however ‘battle’ is g eneral for those who recite the testimony of Islam just as the verse with regard to fighting:“The punishment of those who wage war against Allah…”[1]
And others prove this point.
In any case that which supports this statement is a tradition in Bihar taken from Nomani from his chains from Fuzail that he said:
I heard from His Eminence, Abu Abdillah Imam Sadiq (a) that he said: “Indeed, when our Qaim rises up he would face more problems from the people than the Holy Prophet (s) had faced from the people of Ignorance. I asked: How? He replied: “The Holy Prophet (s) was sent to the people while they worshipped stone, wood and logs carved into idols. However our Qaim will arise and come to the people while they all would be interpreting the Book of Allah and arguing with him.”[2]
In another tradition it is narrated from the same Imam that he said:
“They would interpret the Book of Allah against His Eminence and on the basis of its sources make war upon His Eminence.”[3]
The same Imam has also stated:“There are thirteen cities and tribes against whom the Qaim (a) will make war and they would also fight against His Eminence. The people of Mecca, the people of Medina, the Syrians, the Umayyads, the Basrans, the Damascenes, the Kurds, the Bedouins, the Zubba, the Ghina, the Bahili, the Azds and the people of Rayy.”[4]
In Kamaluddin it is narrated from His Eminence, Abu Ja’far Baqir (a) that he said:
“The master of this affair has a similarity to Moosa, to Isa, to Yusuf and Muhammad (s).”
As for the similarity to Moosa: It is being fearful and watchful.
And as for Isa, it is that it would be said about him what was said about Isa.
And as for Yusuf it is the prison and the occultation.
And as for Muhammad (s) it is rising with the sword and he will follow the style of His Eminence and expound his traditions. At that time he would carry his sword in his right hand for eight months and continuously go on eliminating his enemies till the Almighty Allah is satisfied.”
The first weapon ofcourse is regular recitation of the Quran (complete), the second is to bind ourselves with the Imams by following them (ziarats and increasing knowledge of them regularly) and the last (ziarat e Ashura) there are ofcourse many others to fine tune our understanding and discipline but these are the major three. We will get into reasons later (when I am not so sick) Inshallah. However, we have no reason to wait to make these a part of our lives since we do not know at any point how long we have left (Inshallah not long).
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