Tuesday: In recognition of Imam Zainul Abdideen (as) - Treatise of Rights (Risalatul Huquq)

Today is Tuesday.  Every day is dedicated to at least one masoum.  Tuesday is the day dedicated to:

Imam Zaynul Abdideen (as)

Imam Mohammad Baqir (as)

Imam Jafar As-Sadiq (as)

The Imams have rights over us as our spiritual fathers.  In order to know what they are, we must learn from them all.  How can we do that in the best way?  One way is by reciting the ziarat of that or those Imams on the day that is named for them, further than that we can learn at least one hadith from that Imam on that day.  This way over the course of one year we will have learned 56 new hadiths from each Imam plus 2 (Shahadat and Birth anniversary).

To this end I have decided (Allah willing,) to mention at least one small sub secion of the Treatise of Rights by Imam Zaynul Abideen (as) for his day and the same for the other Imams and masoums.  Inshallah we will move forward in our knowledge and eventually be able to practice and follow their lives well informed.

How can we develop a well connected community unless we are first connected to our leaders.

Inshallah I hope we will be able to make good use of this regularity of increasing our knowledge and guidance.

Today we begin Inshallah with the first section of the Treatise on Human rights as well as Inshallah a hadith from Imam Mohammad Baqir (as) and his Son Imam Jafar As-Sadiq (as) (a little later in the day (time willing).


KNOW - God have mercy upon you - that God has rights against you and that these encompass you in every movement through which you move, rest through which you rest, every waystation in which you reside, every limb which you employ, and every instrument which you put to work. Some of these rights are greater and some less.

First right of Allah on man

The greatest of God's rights against you is the right which He has made incumbent upon you for Himself and which is the root of all rights, then

[2] those which He has made incumbent upon you in yourself, from your crown to your foot, in keeping with the diversity of your organs.

He has given

[3] your tongue a right against you,

[4] your hearing a right against you,

[5] your sight a right against you,

[6] your hand a right against you,

[7] your leg a right against you,

[8] your stomach a right against you,

 [9] and your private part a right against you.

These are the seven organs through which acts (af'al) take place.

