Keeping promises and fulfilling pledges [loyalty]: Imam Ali (as) - Part 2

The bane of covenants is lack os care [in fulfilling them].

The bane of loyalty is treachery.

When you make a promise, keep it.

When you make an agreement, keep it.

By their faithful loyalty, the virtuous ones are known.

The distinction of creatures is [by their loyalty].

Guard your promise with loyalty and your reward will be good.

The abode of loyalty is never without the [presence of the] honourable, and is never occupied by the wicked.

The cause of intimacy is loyalty.

Keeping promises is the practice of the honourable ones.

You must espouse loyalty, for it is the most protective shield.

Loyalty is the ornament of the intellect and the symbol of nobility.

The most honourable characteristic is loyalty.

Loyalty is hounour, friendship is compassion.

Loyalty is a symbol of purity.

Loyalty is the fortress of purity.

Loyalty is the fortress of eminence.

A promise is an ailment and its cure is its fulfilment.
