Allah and His attributes - Imam Ali (as)

The knowledge of Allah, the Glorified, tore through the veils of the unseen and encompassed the darkness of inner-beliefs.

Everyone who is called 'one' other thank Allah, the Glorified, is little; and every honoured one other than Him is inferior; and every strong one other than Him is weak; and every master other than Him is a slave; and every knower other than Him is a learner; and every capable one other than Him is sometimes able and other times unable.

Every hidden thing is apparent for Allah, the exalted are His bounties.

every secret is manifest for Allah.

Whoever contemplates about the essence of allah, apostatizes.

Allah, the Glorified, does not misguide anyone and Allah is not unjust to the servants.

How great is the clemency of Allah, the Glorified, upon the recalcitrant, and how great is His forgiveness to the extravagant servants.

Allah, how great is that which we see of Your creation, yet how small its greatness is next to what is hidden from us of Your might!

Allah! How awesome is that which we witness of Your kingdom, yet how small is the greatness is next to what is hidden from us of Your might!

Allah!  How awesome is that which we witness of Your kingdom, yet how negligible is that compared to what is hidden from us of Your great sovereignity!

He is Allah, the One for whom all signs of existence stand witness over the denying heart.

Allah, Great is His magesty, is not perceived by the eyes through the sense of sight, rather He is perceived by the hearts though the realities of faith.

How can one Whose guarantor is Allah, lose?
